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visual aids 直觀教具。

visual art

School areas are too large and the schoolyards and green spaces are too small ; classroom construction is not up to national standards ; and classrooms contain too many students . furthermore , the school desks and chairs often are not compatible ; and books , instruments and sports equipment are far from enough . there is a gap between software and hardware in the configuration of audio - visual aids ; and the coefficient of the utilization of existing equipment is low and ineffective 通過研究發現,西峰市普通完全中學目前存在著布點不合理,學校規模過大,校園及綠化面積偏小,教室建筑規范性差,室內學生容納過量,課桌椅不配套,圖書、儀器、體育器材嚴重不足,電化教學設備軟硬件配置比例失調,現有教學設備利用率低、效益差,學校管理者教學設施建設中作風浮夸等問題。

The second study , perhaps the first of its kind in the world , demonstrated that vocabulary knowledge of 28 hard - of - hearing children in their last year of kindergarten , first , and second grades , improved substantially among families using a combination of the dialogic reading technique and visual aids 第二項研究可能是全球首個有關弱聽兒童的研究,當中有28位弱聽兒童參與,研究發現他們不論幼稚園高班、小一及小二年級的時候,開始運用對話式閱讀及視覺教具來作親子閱讀,能有效地增加他們的詞匯量。

Health inspectors attached to the centre also went out into the community , delivering 100 school talks , disseminating messages on personal hygiene , food hygiene and environmental hygiene to 54 kindergartens and 46 primary schools . audio - visual aids , question - and - answer sessions , demonstrations and games were used to enrich as well as to enliven the learning process 派駐中心的?生督察也到社區工作,為54家幼稚園及46家小學舉行了100次講座,講解個人?生、食物?生及環境?生,并借助視聽器材、答問環節、示范和游戲等,令學習過程更充實和生動。

It was hoped that exchange of experiences would give the participants an understanding of visually impaired students and their special needs , and thus facilitate a better integration into the mainstream school setting . ebenezer school colleagues presented to the audience a variety of topics , including orientation and mobility , adaptive behaviour and learning styles of the visually impaired , effective teaching and management strategies . the participants were particularly enthusiastic about the teaching and visual aids on display , and they showed a lot of responses in the question - and - answer session before concluding the half - day activity by touring around our school 分享會內容十分豐富,包括有主題短講,如定向行動課程簡介視障學生一般的適應行為問題及建議處理的方法視障學生遇到的學習困難及教學建議,以及視障學童使用的輔助儀器介紹等,會場還展示了各式各樣的教材及教具,不少參與者均感到很有興趣,更發問了不少問題經過最后一個環節的校舍參觀活動,整個分享會約在下午一時卅分圓滿結束。

Health inspectors attached to the centre also went out into the community , delivering 100 school talks , disseminating messages on personal hygiene , food hygiene and environmental hygiene to 54 kindergartens and 46 primary schools . audio - visual aids , question - and - answer sessions , demonstrations and games were used to enrich as well as to enliven the learning process 派駐中心的?生督察也到社區工作,為54家幼稚園及46家小學舉行了100次講座,講解個人?生食物?生及環境?生,并借助視聽器材答問環節示范和游戲等,令學習過程更充實和生動。

This facility is fully equipped with audio - visual aids . telemedicine broadcasts from hospital wards and operating theatres to the centre enable simultaneous q & a sessions with the doctors , and video close - ups of the patients ensure that each student can see and hear everything that is being done at the bedside or in an operating theatre 中心設有完備的視聽設施,病房及手術室的情況可即時轉播到中心,學生亦可現場與醫生即時對答;近距視像鏡頭及收音設備使學生能更清楚觀摩和聆聽病床邊及手術室內的活動情況。

It is an intelligent choice to hold international conventions meetings adn vanious commercial activities , the hotel also features 9 convention meeting rooms of different sizes and set - up with sophisticated audio - visual aids , projector , slide projector , wireless microphones and a system of simultaneous interpretion , etc . 錦江賓館擁有9個不同規模格局的會議廳,備有投影儀幻燈機無線話筒同聲翻譯系統等精良設施,是舉行國際會議和各種商務活動的理解場所。

Audio - visual aids , question - and - answer sessions , demonstrations and games were used to enrich and enliven the learning process . in relation to food safety , comprehensive public education programmes were organised on nutrition labelling , genetically modified food , and hazard analysis and critical control point principles 至于食物安全方面,本署推行全面的公眾教育計劃,主題包括“營養成分標簽制度” 、 “基因改造食物”和“食物安全重點控制” 。

You must also be able to effectively communicate your thoughts , ideas , insights , and research findings to others through written words as in a report , an essay , a research or term paper , or through spoken words as in an oral or multimedia presentation with audio - visual aids 你也一定要能夠通過報告、或一個評論、調查、學期報告中的文字有效地傳達你的想法、觀點、洞察力和研究結果,或者通過一些視聽設備提供的多媒體及口頭文字達到這個目的。

The teaching techniques suggested can be summarized as : teaching culture through textbook - based language teaching ; teaching culture through a comparative and contrastive analysis approach ; teaching cultural differences and similarities ; teaching culture through visual aids 所建議的教學方法可以概括為:寓文化教學于課堂教學中;使用對比的方法;教授文化的同與異;借助直觀教具。

As in previous years , the supreme master ching hai publishing company participated in this annual cultural event by introducing the supreme master ching hais teachings through audio and visual aids , interactive truth - sharing activities and various artistic media 清海無上師世界會出版有限公司再度結合影音互動及心靈交流的溝通藝術,以多樣化的方式將師父教理介紹給大眾。

Final product : you will do an oral presentation in class , including visual aid . your visual aid should include interview photos , interview results , and assigned duty list 活動成果:各組輪流上臺口頭報告,并展示書面報告。書面報告以四開紙張制作,內容須含采訪照片或受訪老師的肖像畫、訪問結果、各組成員工作分配。

The training development bureau then held a four - day course to help the sslos develop effective presentation and communication skills including speech delivery and the use of visual aids 他們其后參加了由訓練及發展課主辦、關于有效演講技巧的四日課程。內容包括演講的表達方式、如何運用視聽器材等。

Standard visual aid and writing equipment will be available to candidates to facilitate their summary presentation . there may be a question and answer session after the presentation 本地投寄的信件當中,絕大部分在投寄后的下一個工作日派達,而以優惠郵費投寄的大量優惠級郵件則可于三個工作日內派達。

Know the room . be familiar with the place in which you will speak . arrive early , walk around the speaking area and practice using the microphone and any visual aids 熟悉場地。爭取熟悉你要發表演講的環境。提早到達并巡視講臺,練習使用麥克風和其他輔助視覺設施。

The course is specially designed to keep the attention and enthusiasm of the students through lively discussions , sometimes using interesting visual aids 學生還可運用cleverlearn的多媒體學習工具( clevercourses , clicktionary等等)來輔助課堂學習以及自學。

With a visual aid , lead the class in understanding the time , place , and message of each prophet and how they related to the events of the babylonian judgment 通過錄像,使學生了解先知事工的時間,地點和信息,以及這些與巴比倫審判時期的事件有什么樣的關系?

With a visual aid , lead the class in understanding the time , place , and message of each prophet and how they related to the events of the assyrian judgment 通過錄像,使學生了解先知事工的時間,地點和信息,以及這些與亞述審判時期的事件有什么樣的關系?

Instead , he prowled the country in the guise of an old testament prophet with audio - visual aids , warning of the dangers of climate change 但戈爾并沒有因此而歸隱,而是像舊約中先知一樣,視聽上的輔助,走遍美國,告誡人們氣候變化所帶來的危險。